The remnants were first talked about by J. Spon and G. Wheler who came to this vicinity in 1975. The remnants lay between Yenikoy and Torbali. In 19th cent. observations began but the first serious excavations were made before 1. World War. Surface investigations and excavations, which were made in the years 1972-1975 and 1989, began again. Metropolis means "main goddess city". By excavations kilt caves and rich vow goods were found. From the observations, it is known that agriculture and cattle-dealing were made here. It's not known yet who first established the city. Metropolis was a late Helenistic term rich city. The thick rampart covers the city and Metropolis was a good example of Helenistic art center.

In Roman ages the city began to enlarge to the slope and made a bishop center in Byzantium ages. Wars and economical problems caused city to shrink. In those days a Byzantium castle was constructed. By 14th cent. Turks took the city control and named here as Kizilhisar. The city couldn't protect its old situation and shifted to Torbali. Torbali is a bad pronounciation of Metropolis.

Today the excavations are being organised by Prof. Dr. Recep Meric.